
Undergraduate programs

The International Bachelor Degree of Business and Management program (BABM) is an affiliate program between the National Economics University and the University of the West of England (UWE), United Kingdom. Students who complete the program will receive a Bachelor of Business and Management degree granted by the University of the West of England. The program is conducted during 4 years of academic learning to provide future administrators with professional knowledge and skills so that they can meet not only the academic requirements at international level but also the high applicability in the business environment in Vietnam during international integration.

Program Content

1st year 2nd & 3rd year Final year
  • Academic English (level 1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Study Skills
  • IT Skills
  • Basic Economic
  • Business and the Business Environment
  • Marketing Processes and Planning
  • Human Resource Management
  • Management and Operations
  • Accounting Principles
  • Management for a Successful Business Project
  • Innovation and Commercialization
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Research Project
  • Business Law
  • Statistics for Management
  • Business Strategy
  • Principles for understanding and leading change
  • Global Business Environment
  • Operations Management Principles
  • Financial Reporting
  • Financial Management
  • Marketing Insights and Analytics
  • Digital Marketing
  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Business Strategy
  • Academic and Professional Development
  • Integrated Business Management Simulation
  • Marketing Services
  • Virtual Business
  • Managing Organizational Change


University of the West of England (UWE) is a multidisciplinary, multi-fields university, with all the preeminent elements of the UK education system: modern facilities, effective and friendly learning environment… University of the West of England is highly-rewarded with over 90% of students getting a job within 6 months after their graduation. The school is located in the south-west of the United Kingdom, where is considered to have a reasonable cost of living for international students.


Tuition fees: 395.000.000 VND (for 4 academic years in Vietnam)

*The above tuition fees does not include textbooks, materials, enrollment fees, resit, retake, graduation ceremony, etc. Tuition fees are subject to change, with a commitment change of no more than 10% annual.

Enrollment time

  • Spring semester (January)
  • Fall semester (May – September)

Application Procedures


  • Having graduated from high school and 12th year GPA from 7.0/10.0
  • For 12th grade applicants (spring semester): 11th year GPA from 7.0/10.0

Application Procedures

  • Applicants must buy Application form and submit all required documents directed in the application.
  • Take 3 tests:
    • General Knowledge Test
    • Interview (in Vietnamese)
    • English Test

*More details can be found in the Admission Notifications of each semester.

Activities to support Academic and Extra-curricular skills development

The activities to support academic learning designed by the program are very diverse and closely related to each major. Academic support activities include talks by guest speakers or experts to provide and share more information and practical experiences about the major; visits to business’s manufacturing base, industrial zone; and career-oriented activities. Students are also encouraged to participate in student’s scientific research activities and/or join with lecturers in scientific research at any topics.

With the view of launching training prorgams to provide the society with a labor resource having not only professional and language skills but also essential soft skills for their careers, positive and conscientious thinking as well as proper work attitude, the program also designs an extra-curricular activities system. Especially, students are not only participants but also organizers. Extra-curricular activities include annual activities, community activities, student clubs, program publications, as well as skill and self-confidence development activities, etc.

Students are also encouraged to seek for other opportunities within the whole program to participate in, such as working as teaching assistants, organizing support learning and extracurricular activities for junior students, and serving as admission consultants, etc. in order to practice and accumulate working skills for the future.


- Top Recruit scholarships: Top Recruit scholarships are awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam of the program. The scholarships include:

  • Top Recruit scholarships: worth from 5% – 75% of the first 3 school years, awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam in accordance with the provisions of Admissions Council.
  • Potential Leader scholarships: worth from 5 to 10 million VND, awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam in accordance with the provisions of Admissions Council.
  • Smart Choice scholarships: worth 20 million VND, awarded to students with total scores in the combination examination papers of the National High School Graduation exam meet the floor score as prescribed by the Admissions Council.

- Academic Year Scholarships: Academic Year scholarships aim at recognizing and encouraging the learning, cultivating and training spirit of students with excellent academic achievements and active contributions to the program and the school. The scholarships include:

  • Encouragement Scholarship in Academic activities
  • Encouragement Scholarship in Extra-curricular activities
  • Student of the Year

*Scholarship eligibility and review process details are stated in the Scholarship Regulations and the IBD@NEU International Bachelor Degree Award.

The International Bachelor Degree of International Business Management program (BA–IBM) is an affiliate program between the National Economics University and the University of the West of England (UWE), United Kingdom. Students who complete the program will receive a Bachelor of International Business Management degree granted by the University of the West of England. The entire training program is offered by UWE, including 360 UK credits to be taken within 4 academic years. The program is suitable for students being interested in international business environment job opportunities, or for those who want to work in professional, social organizations with global relationships.

Program Content

1st year 2nd & 3rd year Final year
  • Academic English (level 1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Study Skills
  • IT Skills
  • Basic Economic
  • Business and the Business Environment
  • Marketing Processes and Planning
  • Human Resource Management
  • Management and Operations
  • Accounting Principles
  • Management for a Successful Business Project
  • Innovation and Commercialization
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Research Project
  • Business Law
  • Statistics for Management
  • Business Strategy
  • Principles for understanding and leading change
  • Global Business Environment
  • Operations Management Principles
  • Financial Reporting
  • Financial Management
  • Marketing Insights and Analytics
  • Digital Marketing
  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Business Strategy
  • Academic and Professional Development
  • Integrated Business Management Simulation
  • Multinationals in the Domestic and Global Context
  • Global Marketing Management
  • Managing Organizational Change
  • Business Project


University of the West of England (UWE) is a multidisciplinary, multi-fields university, with all the preeminent elements of the UK education system: modern facilities, effective and friendly learning environment… University of the West of England is highly-rewarded with over 90% of students getting a job within 6 months after their graduation. The school is located in the south-west of the United Kingdom, where is considered to have a reasonable cost of living for international students.</ p>


Tuition fees: 395.000.000 VND (for 4 academic years in Vietnam)

*The above tuition fees does not include textbooks, materials, enrollment fees, resit, retake, graduation ceremony, etc. Tuition fees are subject to change, with a commitment change of no more than 10% annual.

Enrollment time

  • Spring semester (January)
  • Fall semester (May – September)

Application Procedures


  • Having graduated from high school and 12th year GPA from 7.0/10.0
  • For 12th grade applicants (spring semester): 11th year GPA from 7.0/10.0

Application Procedures

  • Applicants must buy Application form and submit all required documents directed in the application.
  • Take 3 tests:
    • General Knowledge Test
    • Interview (in Vietnamese)
    • English Test

*More details can be found in the Admission Notifications of each semester.

Activities to support Academic and Extra-curricular skills development

The activities to support academic learning designed by the program are very diverse and closely related to each major. Academic support activities include talks by guest speakers or experts to provide and share more information and practical experiences about the major; visits to business’s manufacturing base, industrial zone; and career-oriented activities. Students are also encouraged to participate in student’s scientific research activities and/or join with lecturers in scientific research at any topics.

With the view of launching training prorgams to provide the society with a labor resource having not only professional and language skills but also essential soft skills for their careers, positive and conscientious thinking as well as proper work attitude, the program also designs an extra-curricular activities system. Especially, students are not only participants but also organizers. Extra-curricular activities include annual activities, community activities, student clubs, program publications, as well as skill and self-confidence development activities, etc.

Students are also encouraged to seek for other opportunities within the whole program to participate in, such as working as teaching assistants, organizing support learning and extracurricular activities for junior students, and serving as admission consultants, etc. in order to practice and accumulate working skills for the future.


- Top Recruit scholarships: Top Recruit scholarships are awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam of the program. The scholarships include:

  • Top Recruit scholarships: worth from 5% – 75% of the first 3 school years, awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam in accordance with the provisions of Admissions Council.
  • Potential Leader scholarships: worth from 5 to 10 million VND, awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam in accordance with the provisions of Admissions Council.
  • Smart Choice scholarships: worth 20 million VND, awarded to students with total scores in the combination examination papers of the National High School Graduation exam meet the floor score as prescribed by the Admissions Council.

- Academic Year Scholarships: Academic Year scholarships aim at recognizing and encouraging the learning, cultivating and training spirit of students with excellent academic achievements and active contributions to the program and the school. The scholarships include:

  • Encouragement Scholarship in Academic activities
  • Encouragement Scholarship in Extra-curricular activities
  • Student of the Year

*Scholarship eligibility and review process details are stated in the Scholarship Regulations and the IBD@NEU International Bachelor Degree Award.

The International Bachelor Degree of Business and Events Management program (BAEM) is an affiliate program between the National Economics University and the University of the West of England (UWE), United Kingdom. Students who complete the program will receive a Bachelor of Business and Events Management degree granted by the University of the West of England. The program is conducted in 4 years of academic learning, and aims to provide its students with up-to-date knowledge, professional skills and internship opportunities with high applicability. The program strictly complies with the academic requirements of one of the leading schools in training in Business & Events Management in the UK.

Program Content

1st year 2nd & 3rd year Final year
  • Academic English (level 1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Study Skills
  • IT Skills
  • Basic Economic
  • Business and the Business Environment
  • Marketing Processes and Planning
  • Human Resource Management
  • Management and Operations
  • Accounting Principles
  • Management for a Successful Business Project
  • Innovation and Commercialization
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Research Project
  • Business Law
  • Statistics for Management
  • Business Strategy
  • Principles for understanding and leading change
  • Global Business Environment
  • Operations Management Principles
  • Financial Reporting
  • Financial Management
  • Marketing Insights and Analytics
  • Digital Marketing
  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Business Strategy
  • Academic and Professional Development
  • Organizational Events
  • Specialized Events
  • Marketing Services
  • Contemporary Issues in Events
  • Business Project


University of the West of England (UWE) is a multidisciplinary, multi-fields university, with all the preeminent elements of the UK education system: modern facilities, effective and friendly learning environment… University of the West of England is highly-rewarded with over 90% of students getting a job within 6 months after their graduation. The school is located in the south-west of the United Kingdom, where is considered to have a reasonable cost of living for international students.</ p>


Tuition fees: 395.000.000 VND (for 4 academic years in Vietnam)

*The above tuition fees does not include textbooks, materials, enrollment fees, resit, retake, graduation ceremony, etc. Tuition fees are subject to change, with a commitment change of no more than 10% annual.

Enrollment time

  • Spring semester (January)
  • Fall semester (May – September)

Application Procedures


  • Having graduated from high school and 12th year GPA from 7.0/10.0
  • For 12th grade applicants (spring semester): 11th year GPA from 7.0/10.0

Application Procedures

  • Applicants must buy Application form and submit all required documents directed in the application.
  • Take 3 tests:
    • General Knowledge Test
    • Interview (in Vietnamese)
    • English Test

*More details can be found in the Admission Notifications of each semester.

Activities to support Academic and Extra-curricular skills development

The activities to support academic learning designed by the program are very diverse and closely related to each major. Academic support activities include talks by guest speakers or experts to provide and share more information and practical experiences about the major; visits to business’s manufacturing base, industrial zone; and career-oriented activities. Students are also encouraged to participate in student’s scientific research activities and/or join with lecturers in scientific research at any topics.

With the view of launching training prorgams to provide the society with a labor resource having not only professional and language skills but also essential soft skills for their careers, positive and conscientious thinking as well as proper work attitude, the program also designs an extra-curricular activities system. Especially, students are not only participants but also organizers. Extra-curricular activities include annual activities, community activities, student clubs, program publications, as well as skill and self-confidence development activities, etc.

Students are also encouraged to seek for other opportunities within the whole program to participate in, such as working as teaching assistants, organizing support learning and extracurricular activities for junior students, and serving as admission consultants, etc. in order to practice and accumulate working skills for the future.


- Top Recruit scholarships: Top Recruit scholarships are awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam of the program. The scholarships include:

  • Top Recruit scholarships: worth from 5% – 75% of the first 3 school years, awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam in accordance with the provisions of Admissions Council.
  • Potential Leader scholarships: worth from 5 to 10 million VND, awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam in accordance with the provisions of Admissions Council.
  • Smart Choice scholarships: worth 20 million VND, awarded to students with total scores in the combination examination papers of the National High School Graduation exam meet the floor score as prescribed by the Admissions Council.

- Academic Year Scholarships: Academic Year scholarships aim at recognizing and encouraging the learning, cultivating and training spirit of students with excellent academic achievements and active contributions to the program and the school. The scholarships include:

  • Encouragement Scholarship in Academic activities
  • Encouragement Scholarship in Extra-curricular activities
  • Student of the Year

*Scholarship eligibility and review process details are stated in the Scholarship Regulations and the IBD@NEU International Bachelor Degree Award.

The International Bachelor Degree of Business and Marketing program (BA B&M) is an affiliate program between the National Economics University and Coventry University (CU), United Kingdom. Students who complete the program will receive a Bachelor of Business and Marketing degree granted by Coventry University. The program consists of 4 academic years, equipping students with a broad knowledge of business and focus on marketing principles and practices. BA B&M program provides its students with comprehensive foundation as well as expertise in cognition, practicing and transferring, enabling students to respond effectively to changes in the near future.

Program Content

1st year 2nd & 3rd year Final year
  • Academic English (level 1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Study Skills
  • IT Skills
  • Basic Economic
  • Business and the Business Environment
  • Marketing Processes and Planning
  • Human Resource Management
  • Management and Operations
  • Accounting Principles
  • Management for a Successful Business Project
  • Innovation and Commercialization
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Research Project
  • Business Law
  • Statistics for Management
  • Business Strategy
  • Principles for understanding and leading change
  • Global Business Environment
  • Operations Management Principles
  • Financial Reporting
  • Financial Management
  • Marketing Insights and Analytics
  • Digital Marketing
  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Career Development
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Contemporary Marketing Issue
  • Responsible Business Strategy
  • Innovation & Change
  • Academic Writing Skills
  • In-depth Marketing Research (Business Project)


Coventry University (CU) is a technical university, providing high qualified education with a tradition in application research. CU is equipped with modern equipment and facilities for all majors. It is a friendly and vivid highlight in the heart of Coventry. Its connections with the top-ranking businesses and organizations give its students many employment opportunities after graduating. Coventry was listed in the top 801–1000 world universities in 2023 by Times Higher Education.</ p>


Tuition fees: 395.000.000 VND (for 4 academic years in Vietnam)

*The above tuition fees does not include textbooks, materials, enrollment fees, resit, retake, graduation ceremony, etc. Tuition fees are subject to change, with a commitment change of no more than 10% annual.

Enrollment time

  • Spring semester (January)
  • Fall semester (May – September)

Application Procedures


  • Having graduated from high school and 12th year GPA from 7.0/10.0
  • For 12th grade applicants (spring semester): 11th year GPA from 7.0/10.0

Application Procedures

  • Applicants must buy Application form and submit all required documents directed in the application.
  • Take 3 tests:
    • General Knowledge Test
    • Interview (in Vietnamese)
    • English Test

*More details can be found in the Admission Notifications of each semester.

Activities to support Academic and Extra-curricular skills development

The activities to support academic learning designed by the program are very diverse and closely related to each major. Academic support activities include talks by guest speakers or experts to provide and share more information and practical experiences about the major; visits to business’s manufacturing base, industrial zone; and career-oriented activities. Students are also encouraged to participate in student’s scientific research activities and/or join with lecturers in scientific research at any topics.

With the view of launching training prorgams to provide the society with a labor resource having not only professional and language skills but also essential soft skills for their careers, positive and conscientious thinking as well as proper work attitude, the program also designs an extra-curricular activities system. Especially, students are not only participants but also organizers. Extra-curricular activities include annual activities, community activities, student clubs, program publications, as well as skill and self-confidence development activities, etc.

Students are also encouraged to seek for other opportunities within the whole program to participate in, such as working as teaching assistants, organizing support learning and extracurricular activities for junior students, and serving as admission consultants, etc. in order to practice and accumulate working skills for the future.


- Top Recruit scholarships: Top Recruit scholarships are awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam of the program. The scholarships include:

  • Top Recruit scholarships: worth from 5% – 75% of the first 3 school years, awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam in accordance with the provisions of Admissions Council.
  • Potential Leader scholarships: worth from 5 to 10 million VND, awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam in accordance with the provisions of Admissions Council.
  • Smart Choice scholarships: worth 20 million VND, awarded to students with total scores in the combination examination papers of the National High School Graduation exam meet the floor score as prescribed by the Admissions Council.

- Academic Year Scholarships: Academic Year scholarships aim at recognizing and encouraging the learning, cultivating and training spirit of students with excellent academic achievements and active contributions to the program and the school. The scholarships include:

  • Encouragement Scholarship in Academic activities
  • Encouragement Scholarship in Extra-curricular activities
  • Student of the Year

*Scholarship eligibility and review process details are stated in the Scholarship Regulations and the IBD@NEU International Bachelor Degree Award.

The International Bachelor Degree of Digital Marketing (BADM) is an affiliate program between the National Economics University and Leeds Beckett University (LBU), United Kingdom. Students who complete the program will receive a Bachelor of Digital Marketing degree granted by Leeds Beckett University. The program consists of 3,5 academic years, which aims at providing future administrators with professional knowledge and skilll to meet not only the academic requirements at international level but also the high applicability in the business environment in Vietnam during international integration.

Program Content


Sem 1 Sem 2-3 Sem 4-5 Sem 6-7
  • Introduction to Law
  • Fundamental Informatics
  • Business Administration
  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Marketing Data and Analytics
  • Introduction to Marketing Communications
  • Digital Marketing Tools
  • Digital Marketing Techniques
  • Digital Marketing Decisions
  • Marketing Essentials
  • Customer Journeys and Insights
  • Web and Social Media Analytics
  • Digital Marketing Planning
  • Research for Digital Marketing
  • Marketing Essentials
  • Digital Marketing Techniques
  • Digital Marketing Dissertation
  • Digital Optimization
  • Mastering Digital Metrics
  • Marketing and Digital Strategy
  • Digital Marketing Futures

*For students who do not have a score above 6.0 of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), students need to supplement before entering the major (2nd year). The additional tuition fees and study time for the certificate are in addition to the official timeline and tuition fees of the program.


Leeds Beckett University is a 5-star rated university from QS rankings for teaching, online learning and employability after graduating. It has modern facilities and is continuing to be funded £200 millions to be completed within the next 6 years. 93% of Leeds Beckett University students take higher educations or are able to find work after graduation. The international student community in Leeds Beckett is diverse, with students come from 153 different countries and territories around the world.


Tuition fees: 395.000.000 VND (for 4 academic years in Vietnam)

*The above tuition fees does not include textbooks, materials, enrollment fees, resit, retake, graduation ceremony, etc. Tuition fees are subject to change, with a commitment change of no more than 10% annual.

Enrollment time

  • Spring semester (January)
  • Fall semester (May – September)

Application Procedures


  • Having graduated from high school and 12th year GPA from 7.0/10.0
  • For 12th grade applicants (spring semester): 11th year GPA from 7.0/10.0

Application Procedures

  • Applicants must buy Application form and submit all required documents directed in the application.
  • Take 3 tests:
    • General Knowledge Test
    • Interview (in Vietnamese)
    • English Test

*More details can be found in the Admission Notifications of each semester.

Activities to support Academic and Extra-curricular skills development

The activities to support academic learning designed by the program are very diverse and closely related to each major. Academic support activities include talks by guest speakers or experts to provide and share more information and practical experiences about the major; visits to business’s manufacturing base, industrial zone; and career-oriented activities. Students are also encouraged to participate in student’s scientific research activities and/or join with lecturers in scientific research at any topics.

With the view of launching training prorgams to provide the society with a labor resource having not only professional and language skills but also essential soft skills for their careers, positive and conscientious thinking as well as proper work attitude, the program also designs an extra-curricular activities system. Especially, students are not only participants but also organizers. Extra-curricular activities include annual activities, community activities, student clubs, program publications, as well as skill and self-confidence development activities, etc.

Students are also encouraged to seek for other opportunities within the whole program to participate in, such as working as teaching assistants, organizing support learning and extracurricular activities for junior students, and serving as admission consultants, etc. in order to practice and accumulate working skills for the future.


- Top Recruit scholarships: Top Recruit scholarships are awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam of the program. The scholarships include:

  • Top Recruit scholarships: worth from 5% – 75% of the first 3 school years, awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam in accordance with the provisions of Admissions Council.
  • Potential Leader scholarships: worth from 5 to 10 million VND, awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam in accordance with the provisions of Admissions Council.
  • Smart Choice scholarships: worth 20 million VND, awarded to students with total scores in the combination examination papers of the National High School Graduation exam meet the floor score as prescribed by the Admissions Council.

- Academic Year Scholarships: Academic Year scholarships aim at recognizing and encouraging the learning, cultivating and training spirit of students with excellent academic achievements and active contributions to the program and the school. The scholarships include:

  • Encouragement Scholarship in Academic activities
  • Encouragement Scholarship in Extra-curricular activities
  • Student of the Year

*Scholarship eligibility and review process details are stated in the Scholarship Regulations and the IBD@NEU International Bachelor Degree Award.

The International Bachelor Degree of Banking & Finance program (BABF) is an affiliate program between the National Economics University and the University of the West of England (UWE), United Kingdom. Students who complete the program will receive a Bachelor of Banking & Finance degree granted by the University of the West of England. The entire training program is offered by UWE, includes 360 UK credits, taken within 4 academic years. BABF provides its students with systematic knowledge about economics and financial analysis skills in both macroeconomics and microeconomics scale, as well as decision making and resolving skills for problems within the banking & finance field.

Program Content

1st year 2nd year 3rd year Final year
  • Academic English (level 1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Study Skills
  • IT Skills
  • Basic Economic
  • Mathematical Economics
  • Financial Institutions and Markets
  • Macroeconomics
  • Introductory Microeconomics
  • Introduction to Finance
  • Statistics and Data Management
  • Understanding Business and Financial Information
  • Principles and Practices of Banking
  • Governance & Ethics in Banking
  • Investment Banking
  • Economics of Money and Banking
  • Introduction to Econometrics
  • Financial Administration and Accounting
  • Economic Research Methods
  • Contemporary Issues in Banking and Finance
  • Credit Risk Analysis and Management
  • Econometrics
  • Economics of International Financial Markets
  • Investment Administration
  • Economics Final Project


University of the West of England (UWE) is a multidisciplinary, multi-fields university, with all the preeminent elements of the UK education system: modern facilities, effective and friendly learning environment… University of the West of England is highly-rewarded with over 90% of students getting a job within 6 months after their graduation. The school is located in the south-west of the United Kingdom, where is considered to have a reasonable cost of living for international students.</ p>


Tuition fees: 395.000.000 VND (for 4 academic years in Vietnam)

*The above tuition fees does not include textbooks, materials, enrollment fees, resit, retake, graduation ceremony, etc. Tuition fees are subject to change, with a commitment change of no more than 10% annual.

Enrollment time

  • Spring semester (January)
  • Fall semester (May – September)

Application Procedures


  • Having graduated from high school and 12th year GPA from 7.0/10.0
  • For 12th grade applicants (spring semester): 11th year GPA from 7.0/10.0

Application Procedures

  • Applicants must buy Application form and submit all required documents directed in the application.
  • Take 3 tests:
    • General Knowledge Test
    • Interview (in Vietnamese)
    • English Test

*More details can be found in the Admission Notifications of each semester.

Activities to support Academic and Extra-curricular skills development

The activities to support academic learning designed by the program are very diverse and closely related to each major. Academic support activities include talks by guest speakers or experts to provide and share more information and practical experiences about the major; visits to business’s manufacturing base, industrial zone; and career-oriented activities. Students are also encouraged to participate in student’s scientific research activities and/or join with lecturers in scientific research at any topics.

With the view of launching training prorgams to provide the society with a labor resource having not only professional and language skills but also essential soft skills for their careers, positive and conscientious thinking as well as proper work attitude, the program also designs an extra-curricular activities system. Especially, students are not only participants but also organizers. Extra-curricular activities include annual activities, community activities, student clubs, program publications, as well as skill and self-confidence development activities, etc.

Students are also encouraged to seek for other opportunities within the whole program to participate in, such as working as teaching assistants, organizing support learning and extracurricular activities for junior students, and serving as admission consultants, etc. in order to practice and accumulate working skills for the future.


- Top Recruit scholarships: Top Recruit scholarships are awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam of the program. The scholarships include:

  • Top Recruit scholarships: worth from 5% – 75% of the first 3 school years, awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam in accordance with the provisions of Admissions Council.
  • Potential Leader scholarships: worth from 5 to 10 million VND, awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam in accordance with the provisions of Admissions Council.
  • Smart Choice scholarships: worth 20 million VND, awarded to students with total scores in the combination examination papers of the National High School Graduation exam meet the floor score as prescribed by the Admissions Council.

- Academic Year Scholarships: Academic Year scholarships aim at recognizing and encouraging the learning, cultivating and training spirit of students with excellent academic achievements and active contributions to the program and the school. The scholarships include:

  • Encouragement Scholarship in Academic activities
  • Encouragement Scholarship in Extra-curricular activities
  • Student of the Year

*Scholarship eligibility and review process details are stated in the Scholarship Regulations and the IBD@NEU International Bachelor Degree Award.

Bachelor of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship Management (BBAE) is a program with high applicability, international communication, conducted by a team of experienced Vietnamese and foreign lecturers. Students who studying full-time in Vietnam will be granted formal degree by National Economics University after 4 years. Students who choose to transfer for the last two years will be awarded degree by Boise State University of the United States.

Program Content

1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year
  • English 1
  • Culture Studies of Vietnam
  • Introduction to Philosophy
  • Introduction to Dance
  • English 2
  • Introduction to Environmental Studies
  • Introduction to Calculus
  • Biology with lab
  • Business Environment
  • Business Communication
  • Computer Skills
  • Business Decision Making 1
  • Microeconomics
  • Principles of Accounting
  • Personal & Professional Development
  • Psychology
  • Business Decision Making 2
  • Macroeconomics
  • Principles of Marketing
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Business Law
  • Political economics of Marxism and Leninism
  • Scientific Socialism
  • Business Strategy
  • Corporate Finance
  • Operation Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • History of Vietnamese Communist Party
  • Creativity and Innovation Management
  • Ho Chi Minh’s Thought
  • Entrepreneurial Design Thinking
  • Management of Information System
  • Entrepreneurial Skills
  • Soft Skills in Business
  • Intercultural Communication & Management
  • New Venture Creation
  • Market Research
  • Human Resource Management
  • Internship

Choose from those below (Semester 1 – 2 subjects; Semester 2 – 1 subject):

  • International Business
  • Digital Marketing
  • Event Management
  • Working with and Leading People
  • Business in Society


Boise State University is a public university established in 1932; located in the city of Boise, Idaho, United States; and is known as the “Gem State”. Boise State University offers bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees, with nearly 200 majors, over 22.000 students from the United States and 65 countries around the world. BSU is an ideal environment to learn and experience, with enthusiastic support for students. It has developed through the combination of many years of experience and continuous advances in research and application of modern technology in teaching. BSU is the first public university to collaborate with the new online program of Harvard Business School (HBX CORe), bringing Harvard’s business training program to Idaho.


Tuition fees of 4 academic years in National Economics University is 240.000.000 VND, paid by semester.

Admission Conditions

According to the general regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training:

  • Having graduated high school (formal education or continuing education), or intermediate level.
  • Being in adequate health to follow the study in accordance with current regulations.
  • Having no violation of law, not during criminal prosecution.

Application Procedures

According to current regulations of the Ministry on formal university enrollment and the National Economics University's admission criteria, candidates submit the following information with their application for admission to the NEU’s Bachelor of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship Management program:

  • Major code: 52340101
  • Admission code: EP01
  • Selection combination: A01, D01, D07, D09 (in which English multiplied by a factor of 2)

Activities to support Academic and Extra-curricular skills development

The activities to support academic learning designed by the program are very diverse and closely related to each major. Academic support activities include talks by guest speakers or experts to provide and share more information and practical experiences about the major; visits to business’s manufacturing base, industrial zone; and career-oriented activities. Students are also encouraged to participate in student’s scientific research activities and/or join with lecturers in scientific research at any topics.

With the view of launching training prorgams to provide the society with a labor resource having not only professional and language skills but also essential soft skills for their careers, positive and conscientious thinking as well as proper work attitude, the program also designs an extra-curricular activities system. Especially, students are not only participants but also organizers. Extra-curricular activities include annual activities, community activities, student clubs, program publications, as well as skill and self-confidence development activities, etc.

Students are also encouraged to seek for other opportunities within the whole program to participate in, such as working as teaching assistants, organizing support learning and extracurricular activities for junior students, and serving as admission consultants, etc. in order to practice and accumulate working skills for the future.


Scholarships awarded to BBAE’s students are in accordance with regulations on Scholarship of National Economics University, which consists of:

  • Encouragement Scholarship in Academic activities.
  • Scholarship from organizations, enterprises.

Nội dung khóa học

General Education/

Giáo dục đại cương

Business Core/

Đào tạo ngành QTKD

Major Core/

Đào tạo chuyên ngành

kinh doanh quốc tế

Cung cấp hiểu biết nền tảng về giao tiếp, công nghệ, khoa học, xã hội, lịch sử và phông văn hóa toàn cầu

Cung cấp nền tảng căn bản về môi trường kinh doanh và nền kinh tế cùng kiến thức cơ bản về từng lĩnh vực quản trị trong doanh nghiệp

Cung cấp kiến thức và kỹ năng chuyên sâu về quản trị kinh doanh và môi trường, cách thức, thông lệ trong kinh doanh quốc tế

1.        Introduction to Environmental Studies

2.        College Writing I

3.        Self Defense

4.        Communication Skills

5.        Sociology

6.        Enjoyment of Music

7.        College Writing II

8.        Orientation to Human Services

9.        Biology

10.   College Algebra for Business

11.   Introduction to Dance

12.   Written Communication in Business

13.   Introduction to Information System

14.   American History II

15.   American Government I

16.   Business Ethics

17.   Foundations of Info Tech

18.   Microeconomics

19.   Macroeconomics

20.   Information Systems: Theory & Application

21.   Elementary Statistics

22.   Business Law

23.   Business Finance

24.   Operations Management

25.   Accounting I

26.   Accounting II

27.   Principles of Marketing

28.   Management and Organization

29.   International Environment of Business

30.   Business Strategy & Decisions

31.   Economic Development

32.   Quality Management

33.   Advertising and Promotion

34.   Consumer Behavior

35.   Investments

36.   International Economics

37.   International Finance

38.   Human Resource Management

39.   International Marketing

40.   International Management

41.   Multicultural Business Relations

42.   Entrepreneuring

43.   Internship


Đối tác

Được thành lập năm 1874 tại Bang Michigan, Đại học Andrews là một trong những trường đại học lâu đời nhất và luôn năm trong top 10 trường đại học có tỷ lệ sinh viên quốc tế cao nhất nước Mỹ. ĐH Andrews đào tạo đa ngành, xếp thứ hạng cao trên toàn nước Mỹ trong các lĩnh vực: Quản trị kinh doanh, Y khoa, Điều dưỡng, Sư phạm, Kiến trúc, Hàng không...

ĐH Andrews đào tạo thạc sĩ tại Việt Nam từ năm 2018 và đã phát triển mạng lưới cựu học viên với hơn 300 thành viên là chủ doanh nghiệp hoặc cán bộ quản lý cao cấp, bao gồm cả các doanh nhân quốc tế đến sinh sống và làm việc tại Việt Nam.


Học phí

Học phí: 482.500.000 VNĐ (4 năm tại Việt Nam)
* Học phí trên chưa bao gồm chi phí sách giáo khoa, tài liệu học, lệ phí tuyển sinh, thi lại, học lại, tham dự lễ tốt nghiệp v.v. Học phí có thể thay đổi, với mức thay đổi cam kết không quá 10% hàng năm.

Thời gian tuyển sinh

  • Kỳ mùa Xuân (tháng 1)
  • Kỳ mùa Thu (tháng 5-9)

Cách thức Tuyển sinh

Điều kiện:

Thí sinh cần đáp ứng các điều kiện sau đây:

  • Tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông (THPT) của Việt Nam hoặc tốt nghiệp của nước ngoài được công nhận trình độ tương đương;
  • Có chứng chỉ tiếng Anh (còn trong thời hạn 2 năm tính đến ngày 01/06/2024) tối thiểu đạt IELTS 6.0, hoặc tương đương.
  • Có điểm trung bình chung lớp 12 đạt từ 7,0/10 trở lên, hoặc tương đương.

Cách thức dự tuyển*:

  • Thí sinh cần nhận Hồ sơ dự tuyển, nộp đầy đủ giấy tờ theo hướng dẫn trong Hồ sơ.
  • Tham dự 02 bài thi:
    • Bài thi Kiến thức tổng hợp
    • Phỏng vấn bằng tiếng Việt

*Xem thêm tại Thông báo Tuyển sinh theo từng kỳ.

Hoạt động hỗ trợ Học tập và Ngoại khóa

  • Các hoạt động hỗ trợ học tập do chương trình thiết kế hết sức đa dạng, tùy thuộc vào từng môn học, bao gồm mời các chuyên gia, diễn giả đến cung cấp thêm thông tin về môn học và chia sẻ thực tế nghề nghiệp; tổ chức các chuyến tham quan cơ sở sản xuất kinh doanh của các doanh nghiệp, tham quan khu công nghiệp; các hoạt động định hướng nghề nghiệp. Sinh viên cũng được tạo điều kiện tham gia vào các hoạt động nghiên cứu khoa học sinh viên và/hoặc tham gia cùng giảng viên trong các đề tài nghiên cứu khoa học các cấp.
  • Với quan điểm đào tạo hướng tới cung cấp cho xã hội nguồn nhân lực không chỉ có chuyên môn và ngoại ngữ tốt mà còn có các kỹ năng mềm cần thiết cho công việc, có phương pháp tư duy tích cực và có tâm thế, thái độ làm việc đúng đắn, chương trình thiết kế một hệ thống các hoạt động ngoại khóa để hiện thực hóa quan điểm này. Trong các hoạt động này, sinh viên không chỉ là người tham gia mà còn là người tổ chức. Nội dung ngoại khóa mà sinh viên tham gia tổ chức bao gồm các hoạt động định kỳ hàng năm, các hoạt động cộng đồng, câu lạc bộ sinh viên, xuất bản các ấn phẩm của chương trình, các hoạt động rèn luyện kỹ năng và củng cố lòng tự tin v.v.
  • Sinh viên được chú trọng tạo điều kiện tham gia vào các công việc của chương trình như làm trợ giảng sinh viên, hỗ trợ học tập và hoạt động cho các sinh viên khóa dưới, tham gia tư vấn tuyển sinh v.v. để qua đó rèn luyện và tích lũy những kỹ năng làm việc cho tương lai.

Học bổng

Học bổng đầu vào

Học bổng đầu vào là loại Học bổng xét cấp cho sinh viên khi xuất sắc vượt qua Kỳ tuyển sinh đầu vào của Chương trình, bao gồm:

  • Học bổng Thủ khoa: Trị giá từ 5%-75% Học phí của 03 năm học đầu tiên, dành cho Thí sinh đạt điểm tuyển sinh đầu vào cao theo quy định của Hội đồng tuyển sinh.
  • Học bổng Tiềm năng: Trị giá 5 - 10 triệu đồng, dành cho Thí sinh đạt điểm tuyển sinh đầu vào cao theo quy định của Hội đồng tuyển sinh.
  • Học bổng Lựa chọn thông minh: Trị giá 20 triệu đồng, dành cho Thí sinh có tổ hợp điểm xét tuyển trong kỳ thi Tốt nghiệp THPT Quốc gia đạt điểm sàn theo quy định của Hội đồng tuyển sinh.


Học bổng trong năm học*

Học bổng trong năm học là loại Học bổng ghi nhận, động viên và khuyến khích tinh thần học tập, tu dưỡng, rèn luyện của các sinh viên có thành tích học tập tốt và có đóng góp tích cực cho Chương trình và Nhà trường, bao gồm:

  • Học bổng Khuyến khích học tập
  • Học bổng Khuyến khích hoạt động
  • Sinh viên Tiêu biểu của năm.

*Điều kiện nhận học bổng và quy trình xét duyệt được nêu chi tiết trong Quy định Học bổng, phần thưởng của Chương trình 

Nội dung khóa học

Năm 1: Học tại Trường ĐH KTQD

  • 5 môn chuyên ngành (120 tín chỉ Anh)
  • 2 môn bổ trợ


Năm 2 & 3: Học tại ĐH Lincoln, VQ Anh

  • Hoàn thành 240 tín chỉ Anh
  • Ngoài chuyên ngành Kinh tế học & Tài chính, có thể lựa chọn các chuyên ngành khác:
    • Kinh tế học
    • Kinh tế học Quản trị
    • Ngân hàng & Tài chính
    • Kế toán & Tài chính
    • Quản trị & Tài chính

Đối tác

University of Lincoln - Xếp hạng thứ 34 ở Anh theo The Guardian University Guide 2023.

Top 34 trường ĐH xuất sắc nhất Vương
quốc Anh (Guardian, 2023)

Top 501–600 (THE, 2024)

Top 851-900 (QS, 2025)

Học phí

Thời gian tuyển sinh

Thí sinh nộp hồ sơ tại Khoa Kinh tế học từ ngày 15/07/2024 cho đến khi đủ chỉ tiêu


Cách thức Tuyển sinh


  •  Thí sinh đã tốt nghiệp Trung học phổ thông quốc gia (THPTQG), có trình độ tiếng Anh bậc 4/6 trên khung năng lực ngoại ngữ của Bộ GD và ĐT (tương đương trình độ B2).
  • Thí sinh là sinh viên các trường đại học, có trình độ tiếng Anh bậc 4/6 trên khung năng lực ngoại ngữ của Bộ GD và ĐT
  • Kết quả của 3 môn thi THPTQG năm 2024 (trong đó có môn Toán hoặc Ngữ văn) đạt từ 15 điểm trở lên


  • Tham dự bài thi Phỏng vấn trực tiếp bằng tiếng Việt.


  •  Thí sinh được công nhận trúng tuyển chính thức khi có chứng chỉ tiếng Anh tương đương trình độ B2 và có Điểm tuyển sinh đạt Điểm sàn trúng tuyển trở lên. Điểm sàn trúng tuyển do Hội đồng tuyển sinh quyết định hàng năm.


Activities to support Academic and Extra-curricular skills development

  • The activities to support academic learning designed by the program are very diverse and closely related to each major. Academic support activities include talks by guest speakers or experts to provide and share more information and practical experiences about the major; visits to business’s manufacturing base, industrial zone; and career-oriented activities. Students are also encouraged to participate in student’s scientific research activities and/or join with lecturers in scientific research at any topics.
  • With the view of launching training prorgams to provide the society with a labor resource having not only professional and language skills but also essential soft skills for their careers, positive and conscientious thinking as well as proper work attitude, the program also designs an extra-curricular activities system. Especially, students are not only participants but also organizers. Extra-curricular activities include annual activities, community activities, student clubs, program publications, as well as skill and self-confidence development activities, etc.
  • Students are also encouraged to seek for other opportunities within the whole program to participate in, such as working as teaching assistants, organizing support learning and extracurricular activities for junior students, and serving as admission consultants, etc. in order to practice and accumulate working skills for the future.


- Top Recruit scholarships: Top Recruit scholarships are awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam of the program. The scholarships include:

  • Top Recruit scholarships: worth from 5% – 75% of the first 3 school years, awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam in accordance with the provisions of Admissions Council.
  • Potential Leader scholarships: worth from 5 to 10 million VND, awarded to students with excellent results in the entrance exam in accordance with the provisions of Admissions Council.
  • Smart Choice scholarships: worth 20 million VND, awarded to students with total scores in the combination examination papers of the National High School Graduation exam meet the floor score as prescribed by the Admissions Council.

- Academic Year Scholarships: Academic Year scholarships aim at recognizing and encouraging the learning, cultivating and training spirit of students with excellent academic achievements and active contributions to the program and the school. The scholarships include:

  • Encouragement Scholarship in Academic activities
  • Encouragement Scholarship in Extra-curricular activities
  • Student of the Year

*Scholarship eligibility and review process details are stated in the Scholarship Regulations and the IBD@NEU International Bachelor Degree Award.