
Extra-curricular Activities

Along with professional knowledge, practical experience to provide orientation for students is the prerequisite to ensure comprehensive education in universities. ISME International School of Management and Economics is a typical example of success in providing students with experience in the International Bachelor Degree program IBD@NEU and the Bachelor of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship Management program B-BAE@NEU through a systematic and supportive academic and extracurricular activities, aiming at developing students skills and preparing them with a ready-to-work mindset. Here, students are benefited from an international university program, with continuous challenges and opportunities to develop their intellectual, professional, and skillset – a solid foundation for their future careers or further studies at universities around the world.

Discovering and affirming oneself is a goal that ISME always aims for each of its students. The program believes in stimulating students’ development through extracurricular activities, where they are encouraged to express their full potential. ISME’s extracurricular activities are an important bridge to help students understand more about the world around them, build self-confidence, develop adaptability skills, as well as stepping outside their “comfort zones” to confidently explore more about life. The most important thing that each student can acquire is the understanding about society and the empathy, sensitivity to different lives. It is from these diverse activities that students have the opportunity to perfect a solid foundation of knowledge, enhance their creativity, confidence as well as problem-solving skills, and nurture a sense of responsibility towards society.

ISMERs Community

  • Fanpage
  • Group ISMErs
  • ISME
  • Youtube/Tiktok/Instagram

Fanpage IBD@NEU the place to share and announce events of the Institute of International Training - National Economics University.


Fanpage IMD@NEU Students sharing and announcing events of the Institute of International Training - National Economics University


Fanpage BBAE@NEU Students sharing and announcing events of the Institute of International Training - National Economics University


Group BBAE@NEU – A place to share and connect between BBAErs (for BBAE students only)


Group IBD@NEU  – A place to share and connect between IBDers (for IBD students only)  


Fanpage ISME – A place to find out information about International School of Management and Economics of National Economics University.


Youtube IBD@NEU


Tiktok IBD@NEU


Youtube IBD@NEU


Instagram IBD@NEU
